Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I ran again yesterday

For those of you who have trouble counting, or keeping track of things, that means I have ran twice in the last month. I am starting slowly but surely to get my "running legs" under me, so I can do the Chicago half marathon. Once school begins, I will not have the time to go out and ride everyday, so running is almost a necessary evil. Yes, I still ride my bike, and I am planning on racing through Gateway (and hopefully the Mercy Classic), but I figured if I didn't at least get over the painful beginning of running, it would take way too long.

Which by the way, my legs are freaking destroyed from yesterday. I figured a quick spin on the TT bike would loosen them up; I was unpleasantly surprised. This afternoon will bring one of my world famous core workouts.

Bang...happy 4th! I have the opportunity to work today, so I will be taking full advantage of that--yeah...on another note, K and I have been doing some serious house hunting. Our tenative last day in BoCoMO is July 31st. I will probably have to drive back for 3-4 days out of the week and work...in which case, I need to stay with someone; any takers?

So, that is really it. Eat, drink, and blow the crap out of things today.

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